A blog about my wargaming in Middle-earth, the Old World and some other far away places across the void, with Grand Scale 10mm (and some 15mm) miniatures using the Warmaster, Blitzkrieg Commander, Cold War Commander, Future War Commander and GW's The War of the Ring (and some other ) rule systems. Oh, and there might be the odd post about roleplaying and board games here and there. So all the usual geeky stuff we are so proud of!
Tuesday, 31 July 2018
Angmar Shade
Just finished an Angmar Shade. Pretty happy with how it turned out.
Lots of nice detail on this mini for dry brushing.
Monday, 23 July 2018
Federation Loki / Leo Scout from Studio Bergstrom
On patrol
Yet another fantastic miniature from the excellent Studio Bergstrom Miniatures has finally been painted.
Starfleet Loki / Leo class scout vessel
This one is the 1:3125 scale Leo Scout that also looks like a Loki from the fan film that shall not speak its name but is WAAAAYYY better than Star Trek Diversity!
A great sculpt with very nice detail though my paintwork may not really bring that out in the photos.
Last image is a comparison of the Loki / Leo scout (1:3125 scale) to the ADB Federation Scout (Starline 2400 scale).
Sunday, 22 July 2018
Triumph of Death makes its first appearance
So in the last post, I detailed how I planned to paint my Triumph of Death miniatures. This first unit is now done. I have a second unit but I plan to paint that sometime later. So here they are in their bone rattling magnificence. But because they are individual miniatures still, I can use them for Roleplaying games as well. Sweet versatility!
I have these guys based on individual 25mm round bases. This is so that they can be placed on either 10 miniature movement trays for Kings of War or 12 miniature movement trays for Chaos Wars, as you can see above.
Two of the personalities for Triumph of Death
Taking hits can easily be identified in either game system by removing "casualties" from the movement tray. Looks effective and keeps the unit in cohesion when charging around the tabletop.
These last two images are of some of the personalities you can get for the Triumph of Death. They make good proxies for a 'banner bearer' (above) and a 'drummer' (below) when using the Chaos War's rule system, or just mixing the unit up a bit for Kings of War.
There you go. One unit down. More to go.
Saturday, 7 July 2018
Painting the Triumph of Death Skeleton Army
28mm Triumph of Death Skeleton
Skull and Crown miniatures ran a Kickstarter last year for an excellent range of 28mm Skeleton miniatures styled on Renaissance woodcuts and paintings. I was really taken by the style and look of these baddies and being a fan of Undead armies, well I simply had to jump in and support the Kickstarter.
With the painting backlog on my desk slowly being worked through, the time came for me to finally get around to painting the fist batch of these Skelly's. I wanted to paint them in a similar fashion to Skull and Crowns own painting method (see here). But I slightly varied the painting process due to the paints I had on hand.
Painting Method
The Skull and Crown method of painting was very simple and effective. My process was similar and is shown below for reference.
I began by basing the miniature and gluing sand to the base. Once dry, I then base coated the miniature in a Brown spray base colour. In this case it was Mournfang Brown spray. The spray is no longer available from GW but other similar colours in base spray's are available from other suppliers.
I then wet-brushed the model in Rakarth Flesh. By wet-brushing I mean that you dip the brush in to the paint, wipe most of the excess off, and then brush the model as through you are dry brushing it. Due to the fact that there is paint on the brush, this means the model is more heavily painted. However the recesses in the model remain the underlying base colour, thus giving a two-tone effect.
I then painted the metal parts of the poleaxe in Boltgun Metal.
I then painted the more bony areas of the skeleton and the face of the skull in Pallid Wych Flesh. This gave the impression of bone showing through the more rotten flesh parts of the skeleton.
I used a flash in the image above so that the outcome of this process can be seen more easily.
Once dry, it was inking time! I used Agrax Earthshade to give the model that 'just crawed out of the ground' dirty look.
Flash image again to show how the model looks once the Agrax Earthshade has dried.
Next it was back to the Pallid Wych Flesh. At this point I highlighted the areas I had painted previously in Pallid Wych Flesh before washing the miniature in Agrax Earthshade. This gave the impression of dirt stained bone whilst also highlighting the miniature to make the bone areas of the skeleton, such as the face of the skull, really stand out. This, I believe, really makes the model pop and is a very important process. Without doing this you just end up with a dirty brown looking paint job.
Close up on the outcome described above.
Flash image of the above.
Finally I dry brushed the base in Karak Stone. After that, I just applied the flock I desired to use. And your done!
Grin of death!
Sweet! These guys are going to be used for Kings of War, Chaos Wars and Role Playing. Now on to the rest of the lads.