Reaper Miniatures Demi-Lich, perfect for that certain Tomb of Horrors you might to send your player characters into sometime...
A blog about my wargaming in Middle-earth, the Old World and some other far away places across the void, with Grand Scale 10mm (and some 15mm) miniatures using the Warmaster, Blitzkrieg Commander, Cold War Commander, Future War Commander and GW's The War of the Ring (and some other ) rule systems. Oh, and there might be the odd post about roleplaying and board games here and there. So all the usual geeky stuff we are so proud of!
Reaper Miniatures Colossal Skeleton (metal version) has been finished. Just in time too for our next D&D adventure.
I wanted a grubby, been in the ground for some time, look to it and so it has a heavy washed in Agrax Earthshade.
I mounted it on an old CD and used liquid putty filler to texture the base and build it up a little. I then dusted it with PAV glue and sand. The model itself was base coated in Citadel Black Spray before I set to work with a lot of dry brushing and some contrast paints.
I'm happy with how grubby it looks and there is a lot of subtle colour to it that isn't really visible in the crappy photos from my phone. Now, on to the next project...
The latest addition to my protagonists facing off against my D&D groups adventurers. This one is the Anval Half-orc fighter from Reaper Miniatures.
I primed this guy in Chaos Black, before giving it a zenith highlight in Wraithbone. The skin was painted in Karak Stone, if I remember correctly, and armour painted in Gunbolt Metal and the cloth in Gore-Grunta Fur contrast paint. The axe had a gold highlight. I then washed the whole model in Agrax Earthshade before using Blood for the Bloodgod on the axe. Very simple and works, in my humble opinion.
The Executioner from Wizkids line of D&D miniatures. Still deciding as to whether or not to add the basket with the severed head in it to the base of the miniature. I'm in two minds about that one as I don't want to go overboard and loose my head (clash of a cymbal) on crowding the base of the miniature. If I do, I'll post an update.
The base was just beach sand heavily inked in Agrax Earthshade wash. Passes easily for muddy earth or dirt.