Saturday, 24 September 2022

UPDATE: Bergstom Studios Axanar Aries class star ship, now with decals

My decals finally arrived! So, here's an update from the previous post on this most excellent of miniatures.

Saturday, 17 September 2022

Tomb of Horrors as a Zero Level Character Funnel - Part 2

The first part of this latest adventure delve of a pack of desperadoes can be found here in Part 1.


(Current PC Death Count = 11)

So, the mixed band of hard ups continued their delve within the Tomb, this time encountering door after door each of which opened in unique ways. Each time they got the sequence wrong, one of them was randomly attached by a dart from the many holes in the wall that did 1d4+1 damage. Given that this is a Zero Level Funnel, and the PC's average about 4 hit points, that's nasty. Not surprisingly, a few of the would-be adventurers got dead along the way. Oh well, more stuff to loot and carry.

What? MORE doors!

Finally, they made their way to the Hall of Many Coloured Spheres. It took ages for them the get finally here. The sissy players suddenly became very timid with their Level Zero PC's and all protective like, using Luck Dice to negate damage along the way. Still, they finally made it. 

What they didn't know, and what they couldn't know as most hadn't played this module before, was that I had modified the module to place random pit traps in this hall also. Hey, why not! It kept them on their toes as they crept around trying to avoid falling into an unnoticed pit.

Whenever a PC was killed, I had their replacement join them from the entrance to this hall. As there is a band of near-do-wells following the vanguard group, ready to take their chance for fame and fortune should someone in the lead die, this made sense. Let the most desperate take the most risk and the rest watch what happens, avoiding their mistakes.

Finally, they ventured far enough to the portal at the far wall. And yes, he did go through it, ending up naked at the entrance to the Tomb. I didn't reveal that to the player for a while however, he just had to sit there whilst the others did some exploring for a little while. It kept him wondering.

After a while, they started venturing through the little crawl ways they discovered behind the various coloured spheres on the wall frescoes. Eventually one of their number found the chamber with the Three-Armed Gargoyle and feared he would be attacked. After some trial and error, he crawled back, and another PC, the only one to had played this module before, remembered something about this Gargoyle. However, he was torn as he didn't want to metagame from his last experience. I told him to go ahead anyway, and he was able to procure the Gem of True Seeing. His PC is so fragile anyway, he will probably fall down another pit trap somewhere and the gem will be lost. So, I thought, why not let him have it...for now.

Once he had the gem, I made the Gargoyle come alive anyway and he just managed to escape by the 
leather of his boots!

Another of the PC's crawled off on his own and came across another small room with three chests in the centre of the floor. He curiously opened the middle chest, after spending much time looking to see if it was trapped, and stood back in shock as the chest, comprising only of bones, suddenly sprang forth a vortex of swirling broken bones. He was back far enough to avoid damage but stayed to see what would happen. His PC promptly pooped himself when I placed this thing on the table, turned tail and fled up the crawlspace again. He rolled a stack of Luck Dice to change a certain hit from the Skeletal Giant into a miss and got out by the skin of his teeth. Pity that, I really wanted this giant to get more of a chance to fight. Alas, it was not to be...

We ended the game shortly thereafter. So, the hard ups remain within the Hall of Spheres. Can't wait to see what happens next time...

Sunday, 11 September 2022

Bergstom Studios Axanar Aries class star ship


It's been a while since the last post, and I haven't given the blog much love of late. So, I'd thought I would show off the latest finished miniature. This is from Studio Bergstom and is the 1:3125 scale Aries battleship (i.e. attack cruiser)

I'm still waiting for some decals to arrive in the post and then I'll try to finish it off with some running lights. But otherwise, she is at least ready for the table. I'll post the final, final finished version when I have the decals afixed.