Monday, 24 February 2025

Still Under Construction - Lesser Fort Rust-n-Nails - part 2


So dear fan, Lesser Fort Rust-n-Nails nears completion (the first part in this saga can be found here). It would take decades to construct a medieval castle. They should have just used PVA glue, cardboard, coffee stirrer sticks and some small shipping containers that you can get off Amazon. Yes, the final stages of fabrication of Lesser Fort Rust-n-Nails draws neigh. So, here's a quick visual update.

The corrugated iron is just carboard that's been smothered in PVA. Once dry, it's as hard as nails and ready for the gaming table. I did do a couple of layers of PVA just to make sure though.

The ladders are made from matchsticks and MDF offcuts I had laying round. These were just PVA glued together insitu and left to dry. If I wasn't being lazy with this one, I would have constructed the ladders separately and then added them later. I did kind of smother the ladders in PVA glue as well just to make sure they were properly stuck together and sealed.

Over the base, I have used some gap filler, and the rest is sand spread over PVA. The gap filler had a matchbox car run over it several times whilst still wet in order to make tyre tracks at the entrance and up the back escape ramp.

I think it's ready for painting. I do still want to add some barbed wire along the crenulations. Let's see how I go there.

Sunday, 23 February 2025

Mr Whippy for Gaslands


The Goblins have been having fun. Having found an old, abandoned Mr Whippy ice cream truck, they duly set about outfitting it for both combat and refreshment of those hot summer afternoons when all you want is an ice cream.

This little beauty arrived the other day from eBay, and I set about painting it in the colour scheme the Mr Whippy ice cream trucks have in my country. I think Mr Whippy originated in England actually, but I have fond memories of the overpriced ice-cream these mobile vendors used to disperse out to the masses of children who dutifully waited by the side of the road for the van to pull up to dispense their treats. It was a stalwart of my youth. On a hot summer's afternoon, the dulcet tones of a speaker distorted Greensleeves tune could be heard over the buzzing of flies and children would run to the side of the road to await the arrival of Mr Whippy.

Well, now thanks to the Gobo's, Mr Whippy is back to kick ass. In fact, we could call him Mr Whip-ass.

Sporting a ram, two side mounted machine guns, a 15mm scale Flames of War German anti-aircraft gun as well as an assortment of soft serve and ice cream, this old rust bucket may not be fast, but it can pack a punch all whilst serving up a refreshing treat.

The anti-aircraft gun can be removed and rotated to face its target (nice effect there) and there is even a little gobo at the wheel of the truck.

The vehicle was in much bad repair, from a paintwork perspective, but that was exactly what I was after. Now, she has been lovingly restored and ready for combat.

Soft serve anyone?

Sunday, 9 February 2025

Under Construction - Lesser Fort Rust-n-Nails


I was watching a Mad Max style Gaslands Refuelled game played out on the Games Night YouTube channel a few weeks back and it inspired me to build a set piece fort for my own Gaslands games. Something in the style of the Mad Max Fury Road Xbox game where forts were built with lots of shipping containers. This would be a place to fight over or use as a haven objective to reach during a Gaslands road chase.

The name of the objective fort that the Big Rig had to reach in the Games Night video was called Fort Rust-n-Nails. I liked that. So, in the vein of imitation being the highest form of flattery, I've decided to nick the name. Behold, still under construction, Fort Rust-n-Nails (the Lesser, as the Games Night one was much bigger). So, behold, Lesser Fort Rust-n-Nails.

The fort already has a wire gate built for it. But I may attach it to a vehicle so the gate can be opened or closed by tacking control of the gate vehicle. Think Mad Max 2 with Mel Gibson where a bus was used as a gate. Could make an interesting objective in any siege game. Get over the wall and into the bus and the gate can be opened.

So, there is much to do still on this build. But as I don't have anything better to show off right now, I thought I would do a work-in-progress built post. By the way, I am just using PVA White Glue on this build and it's all been good so far. For the carboard 'corrugated iron' sheeting, I smother both sides of the cardboard in PVA glue to make it tough and rigid. That simple trick works wonders in making the cardboard tough as nails (so to speak).

Very early-stage construction

More under construction images: this time of the Gaslands Ramp (see post here) I built and posted about previously. I realised that showing the under-construction photos might help show how I put the ramp together in the first place. Something I omitted to show in that previous post.

Lesser Fort Rust-n-Nails should take a while to finish. But I shall show off the end result when it's done.

Sunday, 2 February 2025

Gaslands Refueller Gyrocopter - part 2

So, how's that Gyrocopter working out for Gaslands, I hear you ask? Pretty good as far as I'm concerned. Part one of this build is back here.

I turned the buggy into a trike and put missiles on the forward wheel spokes. There's a mine dropper on the side and a machine gun mounted forward. Given the gyro is a converted buggy, this would need to drive a long straight template first to give it enough forward momentum and lift to get airborne. That makes it vulnerable in scenarios where the vehicle is on the ground initially.

I only had a clear flat base that I could use for the rotors being in motion. From a distance, the writing on the base doesn't hinder the aesthetic of the vehicle and it looks like it's in flight. If I find a better clear base somewhere, I may replace this one.

The flight stand itself is made from a few Star Trek Attack Wing base segments and can be added to or reduced depending upon what takes my fancy at the time. But the flight stand has a magnetic top to hold the gyro in place.

Looks nasty enough. Now to get a game of Gaslands Refuelled going so I can give it a try out.