Well, it's been over a month since the last post. Work and other commitments have really gotten in the way. But hey, it's a blessing to have family and work.
As for the upcoming battle report on my Beastmen Army, well that battle has to happen first. It too had to be rescheduled. So in the meantime, I thought I would add to my 10mm Vampire Counts Army.
Given its been a while since the last post, I thought this one should be a biggy. So here are a couple of photos of the latest batch of undead recruits. All of them no doubt eagerly awaiting the return of Nagash!
First up, we have the Bat Swarms.
These little beasties are from Pendraken. I used their bases for the command units of my Beastmen heroes, so with the help of some greenstuff and clear flying bases, they now will look like they are flying over rocks. The standing stone in the background is from Copplestone Castings and will be a prominent feature in the upcoming Beastmen battle report.
Next are the Crypt Horrors.
These are Games Workshop The Hobbit - Goblin Town Goblins. I cut the slot base from the base of their feet and glued them to a Warmaster bases. They are now painted up now to look like Crypt Horrors, complete with splashes of dried blood. I think they turned out pretty good!
The photo with the flash on below shows the colour definition better.
Now for the Dire Wargs.
These are zombie wolves from Khurasan Miniatures. You can see some Games Workshop Warmaster Dire Wolves next to them giving some perspective of their height. For a 15mm miniature, these Khurasan wolves make a really nice sized undead warg.
Another flash photo reveals the excellent detail of the internal rotting organs on these beasties.
Next are the Dire Wolves.
These are Games Workshop Warmaster Dire Wolves. I really lament the fact that GW have pulled their specialist lines. I wish they would provide a casting-on-demand service for their older lines. I would be happy to pay a little more in order to get discontinued stock. These wolves were excellent in detail. They come with a lot of flashing on them from the casting. But that was fairly easily removed.
And now the Terrorgheist.
This bad boy is a Descent miniature. One of the lieutenants from that game. I can't remember its actual name (Ah found that beasty's name, its Dar Hilzernod), but its perfect for a Terrorgheist for Warmaster.
It does need a bit of green stuff around the wing attachments, but I am a novice with green stuff, so if I can do it, anyone can!
And finally, the meat shield Zombies.
These dudes are from Kallistra. Painted up around eight units so far I think. So the shambling hoard is growing.
Now, off to finish those terrain pieces and some Beastmen hero's.