Sunday, 20 October 2024

15mm Ork'ish Stormboyz for GRUNTZ 15mm

For my 15mm Space Ork army I wanted some proxy Stormboyz type assault troops who can jetpack (or rocket) ahead of the main force to harass supply lines and quickly take strategic points. Enter my latest hack creation. These lads are from Ground Zero Games, from their 15mm Stargrunt Humans and Misc. Alien infantry line. Specifically, from their SG15-X05 and SG15-X08 miniatures. The look orky enough and that's good enough for me.

Some of the miniatures are wearing goggles in the style of WW1 goggles worn by pilots and motorcyclists. So, they look like they would suit to be the kind of insane ork willing enough to strap a rocket to their back and hope for the best.

The lad with the two guns a blazing is their squad leader and there are two specialists carrying heavy weapons to support the boyz. This permits the group to be split into two smaller teams of four gruntz with an attached specialist and the squad leader. I do have some more of these and will likely make another fully fleshed out squad of ten.

The rockets are from Agents of Gaming and are their miscellaneous missiles and torpedoes items. There are even some plasma torpedo type options there somewhere in their shop and I purchased two of these to see if they could be used as flame coming from the rocket. Hence the dude lying on his back. This last model I intend to have airborne to make a nice visual peace.

Anyway, there you go. I'll get on to painting them and mounting the airborne rocket man er... rocket ork soon so I'll post about that when they are done.