A blog about my wargaming in Middle-earth, the Old World and some other far away places across the void, with Grand Scale 10mm (and some 15mm) miniatures using the Warmaster, Blitzkrieg Commander, Cold War Commander, Future War Commander and GW's The War of the Ring (and some other ) rule systems. Oh, and there might be the odd post about roleplaying and board games here and there. So all the usual geeky stuff we are so proud of!
Saturday, 17 August 2019
Studio Bergstrom Shuttles - The Condor Battle Shuttle
Another addition to my Star Fleet vessels, these are the Studio Bergstrom Condor Battle Shuttles (available here), shown next to an Amarillo Design Bureau Federation Destroyer (which you can get here).
I'm going to use them as long range shuttles not unlike the Runabouts from DS9.
Yet another very nice miniature from Bergstrom and they paint up well.
I just base coated them black, then wet brushed white paint over them. I then washed them in black ink. Once dry, I dry brushed them in white paint. I then chose appropriate colours for the warp nacelles and impulse engines, plus some decoration. Simple!