Saturday 19 February 2022

The first Battlestar is ready to go


A few projects have kept me busy this year so far and thus the blog hasn't had much love of late. But I have been able to complete my first battlestar. This model is resin and comes from Starfighter Shipyards. Sadly, the webstore has been down for some time and I believe he may no longer be selling. The model was originally from Ravenstar Studios.

I chose to go with purple decals on this one so as to identify it on the table top. I have one more to paint and will choose a colour for that one as well.

I still haven't decided as yet as to whether or not I will attempt to paint windows on to the model. I may give it a try once I can get a decently detailed image of the original models used in the first Battlestar Galactica series.

I have two original series Cylon base-stars to paint as well. So expect to see these sometime. Seeing these images with the flash also shows where the purple line on the pods isn't even. So I may do some remedial work of this too when I can get some good lighting.

One more to paint!