Monday 27 February 2023

Fallout Vault in MDF

Years ago, I backed on Kickstarter a gentleman from my country (BPLaser) who was making vault like terrain in MDF. I've never had the opportunity to use that terrain until the players in my home brew d20 game of Fallout entered a Vault as part of their most recent adventure. Here are the images, in rough order, from that game session as they explored, and they uncovered a "nest" of Feral Ghouls.

Unfortunately, I never got the chance to paint these before use. So, you'll just have to enjoy their rustic goodness.

"Greetings, Sir. My name is Codswallop."

Improvisation... I need a goods lift!

In the medical bay, they picked up a rather strange little fellow whom they awakened from cryosleep. They also found a nice suit of unique Power Armour (this one curtesy of Brother Vinni's Miniatures)

Ug! Ferral Ghouls...

Surprise! Have a Glowing One...

With the exception of the Fallout Wasteland Warfare Glowing One and Mr Handy, the other miniatures have been highlighted before in previous posts and are from Zombicide, Icarus, Brother Vinni's Miniatures and the Princes Bridge Boardgame.