Wednesday, 17 July 2019

DWMG Battle Report - Epilogue, Destiny of the Daleks - EPISODE 2

Episode 2

Episode 1 can be found here.


INITIATIVE - again the roll falls in the Movellans favour.

What? Again!

Movellan Activation

Unit South moves all models into partial cover so they can target the pilot Dalek closest to them. Two models climb the rocks (which are 1 level higher) and are no longer in cover. The other two models remain in partial cover. The pilot Dalek closest to them is also in partial cover from where the Movellans are located.

All four Movellans then use their second activation actions to shoot at the Dalek. As the Silver Dalek is at a 15" range their shots suffer -1 to hit. The two Movellans in partial cover have an additional -1 to hit also. Three of the four shots miss their mark but the final shot hits the Dalek. The shot needs to score a 5+ to inflict damage, but scores a 4!

Missed me...ouch!

The Movellan shot bounces off the Dalek's dalekinium armour. The Daleks are now aware of the presence of the Movellans.

Unit NW, with the Commander, all move forwards closer to the Dalek ship.


Finally, the last Movellan in Unit West activates finally moving in to cover.

Made it!

Overview of the table at the end of the Movellan activation

Dalek Activation

"ALERT, ALERT! Under attack by hostile forces"


"Engaging hostiles. EXTERMINATE, EXTERMINATE!"

The silver pilot Dalek moves forwards to close range with the Unit South Movellans. It then opens fire at the exposed Movellans. As Daleks get two shots with their blasters, this could be fun.

Both shots hit their target but fail to cause any damage, the Movellans clearly ducking out of the way of the shots just in time.


The second pilot Dalek then activates. An Intelligence roll to see if the Dalek notices the other Movellans behind it succeeds.

I see you!

"ALERT, ALERT! Second enemy force detected. EXTERMINATE, EXTERMINATE!

The Dalek uses an activate to face its enemy (Unit NW) and opens fire with its second activation. But the Movellans are just beyond its blaster's effective range and so both shots go wide of their mark.


Damn, missed!

Finally the Black Dalek moves its extraction team to intercept the Movellans in the NW unit.

Follow me lads!

Get 'em boys!

The Second Episode comes to an end.