Saturday 1 June 2024

Bloodsuckers for Zona Alfa


These attractive beasties are Bloodsuckers from the excellent S.T.A.L.K.E.R. computer game series. Bloodsuckers are charming creatures with rather bad asthma who have a nasty habit of turning invisible when they sense prey, becoming visible only when they attack. Catch them napping though and you can gas the lot of them, so they no longer cause any problems.

These miniatures are from the excellent Patrick Miniatures where you can pick them up either from his store or via eBay.

Fun to play with.

Mind you, they are messy eaters.

And never wash their hands.

But who love a game of hide and seek.

Who's a pretty boy then?

This next brutish thing is some sort of chaos creature from Eureka Miniatures if memory serves me correctly. I decided to add a head to it and greenstuff it in place to make a brutal experiment gone wrong. Something to find in a dark, abandoned secret lab somewhere deep within the Zone.

I wonder what other nasties I can find to inflict on the STALKER teams within the Zone?