Sunday 23 June 2024

Rookie Stalkers for Zona Alfa


I wanted some Rookie Stalkers for Zona Alfa that could be used as cannon fodder, ah I mean, be mentored by the Veteran Stalkers in my Team Alpha. Scanning around the interwebs I found that 1st Corps make some nice miniatures from their International Security Operations set of miniatures (go here to find them). All I needed as some backpacks from Pig Iron and CheckPoint Miniatures and I was set.

I followed the colour scheme I could see in the three current S.T.A.L.K.E.R. video games and pretty soon I had my four Rookies to take into the Zone. I painted the magazine clips on the AK's in a bright orange colour to offset the rather drab olive greens of their jackets and gave them all jeans to wear, though I can't be certain that is what they are actually dressed like in the video game. Anyway, I think I have been able to match the colours fairly accurately and the orange magazines kind of helps the miniature to pop a bit on the table.

Ok. Almost ready to head off past the Cordon and into the Zone.