Friday 7 November 2014

On the Painting Table... the Terrorgheist is finished

Work has been slightly mad of late. However, I did get some time to finish off the Vampire Counts Terrorgheist that I showed off in an earlier post (see here). This is the Dar Hilzernod lieutenant from Descent. I was after a look not unlike the one for the dragon on the front cover of Paizo Publishing's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Undead Revisited cover. See below:

The model was base painted in Chaos Black. I then used three successive drybrushed layers of different greens, from the darkest shade first to the lightest shade last. The mouth, eyes, nostrils and internal chest cavity were painted with a 50:50 mix of light green and yellow. After that had dried, I used a white colour and applied it into the centre of the green/yellow painted areas. Below is the final result.