Sunday 29 May 2022

Battle Report - Battlestar Galactica Colonial Proving Grounds - Part 2 (Full Thrust)

 This is part 2. Part 1 can be found here.


Initiative -  the Cylons win the Initiative this turn.

Both Cylons launch the last of their Heavy Missiles, Rycon responds with another Missile Salvo of her own.

Movement Phase - Both ships move and end their turns within the attack range and attack their respective targets.

Both the Cylons and Rycon open up with their Point Defence Systems. The Cylons destroy one missile from the incoming salvo. Rycon scores 2 hits on the Cylon Heavy Missile, destroying it. The number of Salvo missiles hitting the Cylons totals 4, one of which was destroyed by the Cylon PDS. Three missiles strike the Cylon Basestar, causing 10 points of damage to its Hull and consequently a Threshold Check.

Ship Fire Phase - Both vessels are within Range 1 of each other (i.e. under 12 MU). The Cylons are on the boundary of Rycon's Fore Starboard and Aft Starboard arcs. Rycon is to the Cylon's Aft arc. The Cylons are able to lock on both their Beam 4's and four Beam 2's for a total of 16 Beam Dice! Rycon can only respond with 3 of its Beam 2's.

Rycon scores a single hit. The Cylon's, despite their multiple dice rolls, manage to score only 8 hits, even with rerolls.

Rycon looses its first row of hull, causing a Threshold Check also.

Turn 3 comes to an end with both vessels suffering damage.

Threshold Checks - The SSD's show the results at the end of Turn 3

Part 3 of this battle report to follow...

Saturday 21 May 2022

Battle Report - Battlestar Galactica Colonial Proving Grounds for Full Thrust

And here finally is the long promised battle report on the Colonial Fleet's simulation test of their Battlestar prototype. The scenario can be found here.


Turn 1 - final position

The Colonials win the Initiative and both sides conduct their plotted movement.
During the Shooting Phase, the Cylons fire both of their Heavy Pulsars (Beam 4's) at Battlestar Rycon. Rycon has a Level 1 Screen. Beam attack rolls a 2 and 6, with a re-roll on the 6 of 3. 2 points of damage are scored to Rycon's armour.


Colonials win the Initiative again. During the Movement Phase, Rycon launches a Missile Salvo and the Cylons respond in kind by launching a Heavy Missile. Both Rycon and the Basestar then close on each other to Range 2. 

Rycon allocates all 10 of its Point Defence turrets against the Cylon Heavy Missile, whilst the Cylons allocate their 4 Point Defence turrets towards the incoming missile salvo.

Rycons point defence scores 5 hits, destroying the incoming heavy missile. The Cylons however managed to destroy 3 of the 4 missiles.

The Colonials roll to see how many missiles in the salvo get through to hit the Basestar and score a 5.

This means that 2 missiles get through the Cylon defences and hit the Basestar, doing 11 points of Semi-Armour Piercing damage.

During the Shooting Phase, as both ships are at Range 2, they open fire upon one another. Rycon fires 3x Beam 2's. The Cylons fire with 3x Beam 2's and 1x Beam 4. Light strafes across the void burning cold metal. The Colonials score 1 hit whilst the Cylons score 7 hits, with 2 rerolls. These rerolls however do no further damage. Rycon's Level 1 Screen remains active, limiting one of the incoming hits. When the ionised vapour emitted by metal burned by light clears, the Cylons lose 1 more point of armour and Rycon looses the rest of her ship's armour as well as suffering 2 points damage to her Hull.

PART 2 to follow next post...

Saturday 7 May 2022

Zombicide Fatty Buster


I've been painting up some Zombicide miniatures lately for D&D. I still have work to do on the first batch, but I thought I would post the Fatty Buster I just finished. This is the first reference model I plan to use as the main paint scheme for the other fatties. I'm still experimenting with the paint scheme for the first Walker and Fatty Zombie batch. I'll show images for how they turn out in a future post.

This fatty was base coated in black spray. Then zenith highlighted in white spray. I then wet brushed it using Rakarth Flesh. Once dry, I next used Reikland Fleshshade on the miniature. I washed the model and, once dried, used a second wash over the pustules to deepen the tone. The clothes are painted in a dark green. Eyes were painted orange and Blood of the Bloodgod was used last.

I used sand for the base, inking it in a brown wash once dry. I have chosen to use sand for the base as I want the miniature to be usable on various surfaces for D&D, not just for the Zombicide game. As such, inked sand was the best option to decorate the base as it would match most surfaces.