This is part 2. Part 1 can be found here.
Initiative - the Cylons win the Initiative this turn.
Both Cylons launch the last of their Heavy Missiles, Rycon responds with another Missile Salvo of her own.
Ship Fire Phase - Both vessels are within Range 1 of each other (i.e. under 12 MU). The Cylons are on the boundary of Rycon's Fore Starboard and Aft Starboard arcs. Rycon is to the Cylon's Aft arc. The Cylons are able to lock on both their Beam 4's and four Beam 2's for a total of 16 Beam Dice! Rycon can only respond with 3 of its Beam 2's.
Rycon scores a single hit. The Cylon's, despite their multiple dice rolls, manage to score only 8 hits, even with rerolls.
Rycon looses its first row of hull, causing a Threshold Check also.
Turn 3 comes to an end with both vessels suffering damage.
Threshold Checks - The SSD's show the results at the end of Turn 3
Part 3 of this battle report to follow...