Sunday 9 September 2018

Xyston Greek Triremes

I'm slowly working my way through the mountain of ancient galleys I have had for some years now. The latest edition to the slowly growing fleet are three Xyston Greek Triremes. These are some very nice streamline beauties! They just look like hot-rods of the ancient seas, as indeed they were. These were the mainstay of the ancient fleets around 400BC and later.

I'm tempted to get a whole bunch of these to build up a Greek fleet. I studied Ancient History back in my High School years and loved it. An interest that hasn't left me since. The wars and the struggle for freedom. We forget in the modern Western world today just how much of the Grecko notion of freedom from tyranny still influences us today.

Anyway these beauties are such a streamline model I just had to share them.