Sunday 12 January 2020

Nolzur's Marvelous D&D Goblins for role-playing

Nolzur's Marvelous unpainted D&D Miniatures

I recently switch our role playing group over to using a Grim Dark D20 rule system after having been inspired by Professor Dungeon Master on his excellent DungeonCraft YouTube channel. The players are enjoying the result and the game is moving in a far more fluid fashion. Instead of playing our entire monthly gaming session fighting a single combat we are now able to move the story forward and the game is pacing very well now. Battles are swift and deadly.

This brings me to Goblins!

Every fantasy role playing game needs at least two types of baddies. Skeletons and goblins.

I have a stack of different types of goblins. But one sub-species that I had not purchased to date were the "Pathfinder" style of goblin. I originally hated this design of critter. However over the years they have grown on me. So recently, being on leave over the Christmas / New Year break, I decided to purchase a bunch and paint them up. These are the Nolzur's Marvelous D&D Goblins. They are cheap and come base coated but otherwise unpainted.

Inspired by Professor Dungeon Master I am going to borrow his idea that this underground species doesn't have ready access to smelting and metalwork. As such their weapons and jewelry are all made from bone. This is why their wicked weapons look the colour that they do.

Given that our game is using a bespoke D20 mechanic, I have adjusted the D&D stats for these goblins to fit in with our Grim Dark setting. Again, Professor Dungeon Master has been very helpful guide here is thinking about how to adjust baddies to fit such a setting. You can see these stats below at the end of this post..


+1 to INT and WIS rolls.

Defence: 12
Armour: 1 point (light leather)
Hit Points: 3

Weapons              Bonus to hit        Damage (average)
Large Dagger               -                  1d6 (3-4)
Small Bow                   -                  1d6 (3-4)

Special traits

  • Has Advantage when sneaking, stalking or attempting to hide in darkness.
  • Has Disadvantage on all actions when in bright light such as sunlight.
  • Two-weapon fighting, Goblins carrying a weapon in both hands can attack twice per combat round. This second attack is in their off-hand and is at a -2 to hit.