Tuesday 2 February 2021

Research Daleks

Research (i.e. Engineer) Daleks

I had it in my head that I wanted to make a specific group of Daleks that were dedicated to scientific research. These Daleks would need a different colour scheme to my other Daleks and so I decided to go with white in mimicry of them wearing white lab coats.

These are the Engineering Daleks from Black Tree Miniatures line of Classic Doctor Who.

I used Citadel White to paint them. Unfortunately I don't think that their white paint is the best as you can see from the photo's. Their "white" lab coat ends up looking the same tone as my old lab coat.

Mind you, my white paint tin may be getting a little old. So I will have to try buying a new one and give these fella's a little touch up. Overall, I think the paint scheme works OK and they are easily recognized from the other Daleks on the table. Now, on to the next project!