Sunday 7 November 2021

Angler for D&D and Fallout


I'll be running soon the Dungeon Crawl Classic adventure Shadow under Devils Reef. Albeit with a bunch of changes.

My version will be including a few little extra surprises such as Anglers. These blighters are inspired by the Fallout 4 Far Harbour DLC but I needed a suitable miniature. Casting around my unpainted pile of shame, I found these Reaper Miniatures Tiik Warriors that fitted the bill to a tee!

The Angler's from the Far Harbour DLC come mostly in brown colours so that they blend into the bleak landscape of the Island. I however wanted something more colourful.

I opted for a process of wet brushing downwards on the body of the miniature using the following colour process:
  • Base coat in Black Spray
  • Dark Brown (whole of body)
  • Lighter Brown (most of body)
  • Red (head, shoulders and torso)
  • Dark Orange (head and gills)
  • Lighter Orange (face)
The dorsal fin and tail fin were painted using a downwards brush stroke using:
  • Dark Purple
  • Light Purple (dry brush)
At all times, I wanted to keep the darker recesses of the body still visible as black. I then inked the model in Reikland Wash to provide a reddish blend in the colours and make the model appear glossy and wet. It was a very simple process in the end.

The Angler's bioluminescent light was achieved by using a darker yellow built up with two successive lighter yellow colours as I approached the tip of the light. The coral base is made from Deer Moss broken up to look like dried coral.

Should be fun when the players get onto the Royal Dawn wreck and then look out across the angry surf to see these things emerging from the waves below them!