Tuesday 1 August 2023

40K Dawn of War Ork Waaagh! Banner - part 1


I loved the Dawn of War video game when it came out and nostalgia still drives me to play it every now and again. I have never played 40k on the tabletop but always loved the setting. I played some Epic Armageddon some time back but only once and didn't really grasp the rules well. Still playing 40k always seemed a little daunting to me. That was until I saw this:

I have followed Zorpazorp on YouTube for some time. When I saw this video, I was blown away. This is how I want to play Warhammer 40k. So, I have started down the 40k rabbit hole to achieve what Zorp has given me. And yes, I became a patron on Patreon because of this video! Well done, sir. I salute you.

So, I wanted to make some Ork Waaagh! Banners, which are basically machine gun nests on top of watch towers. Usually manned (or Orked) by some snivelling poor Gretchin whose life expectancy isn't that great. Visiting my local "$2" store, I came across some crafty stuff that got me thinking.

A round craft box and some tiny stands may just do the trick.

Tongue depressors cut up and split to make cross beams.

A lot of hot glue (and two very burnt fingers! Safety notice there, children! Got blisters on one finger and the skin removed several layers deep on the other. SO BE CAREFUL!!!).

Starting to take shape. Still more to go. But the basic skeleton is there. And yes, I spelt Waaagh! incorrectly. Hey, I'm a Nube to 40k. So cut me some slack.

Lots of hot glue mess. So not a neat job. But I figure that aesthetics isn't an Ork character strength.

Good news is that I was able to use some of the balsawood bits I had laying around the place. Not comes the detailing, followed by the painting. So expect more on this later.