For the home-grown Mars Attacks scenario I am working on I need a damsel in distress. A hapless victim kidnapped by the evil Martians. And Mars Attacks has just the right model for this. Here she is!
A blog about my wargaming in Middle-earth, the Old World and some other far away places across the void, with Grand Scale 10mm (and some 15mm) miniatures using the Warmaster, Blitzkrieg Commander, Cold War Commander, Future War Commander and GW's The War of the Ring (and some other ) rule systems. Oh, and there might be the odd post about roleplaying and board games here and there. So all the usual geeky stuff we are so proud of!
For the home-grown Mars Attacks scenario I am working on I need a damsel in distress. A hapless victim kidnapped by the evil Martians. And Mars Attacks has just the right model for this. Here she is!
So, the bigger project I have been working on of late is... the old Mantic Games' Mars Attacks. I have been trolling eBay and Amazon to collect the various components of this game. I never knew it existed until recently and I went to town to get my hands it.
Inspired by the newly released (and excellent) Space Marine 2, I thought I might try an idea for a Tyranid 15mm army for Gruntz. Whilst still beavering away at my main painting project, I thought a quick trip back into 15mm sci-fi would be a nice mental break.
The wee little beasties here are Pendraken and the larger one is from Khurasan.
For a future game of Orc Borg (using our homegrown d20 ruleset) I am going to need a Gruntbot for one of the NPC Gobbo's who will be the Mr Fixit (or Gobo Fixit) supporting the Boyz. Mantic has the perfect model for this 'Goblin in Power Armour' miniature I'm after and I have just finished painting him up. So, feast your eyes on this grunt! Behold the Mantic Marauder Gruntbot.