Monday, 24 March 2025

Battlestar Galactica for Void Admiral

A little while back I picked up a print copy of Void Admiral from Amazon and recently, I also picked up its expansion. I wanted a quick to learn space combat game and having watched the review on Guerilla Miniature Games I went and bought a copy. It struck me that, although it's kind of a Battlefleet Gothic lite kind of game, this would also work for Battlestar Galactica. So, I've set about working on the profiles for some of the BSG ships from the original movie and series I grew up with and not the more recent remake. I looked around my star ship collection as well as what's available on eBay and Etsy and what took my fancy from BSG Deadlock, with a view as to what could fit that original series era. Here's what I've come up with so far.

I began with the Loyalists faction as the basis to develop the Colonial faction of ships. I also knew that I wanted the Battlestar to be the largest ship in the fleet but that it was larger than the cruiser size of ship in Void Admiral. This meant that I created two larger classes above the cruiser size of ship, the dreadnaught battleship and the aircraft carrier "CV" size at 12 and 15 points respectively. It kind of breaks the game a little but the Void Admiral expansion permits a Juggernaut class of ship that is roughly the dreadnaught. Technically, from a naval perspective, the dreadnaught should be considered one size down from a battleship. But for now, this designation will do.

So below is the first run at this. I'll post the Cylons at a future date once I have figured out the stats for Void Admiral. But below are the Colonial ships I've workout out so far.

Battlestar class

Artemis class

Corinthian class