Sunday 25 November 2018

Armorcast Folder (Bender) Bot

The first of the new player character's for my role playing group is almost ready.

Armorcast Folder Bot 3000. Think I'll call him "Bender"

This guy is a 28mm Folder Bot 3000 from Armorcast. Kind of reminds me of a robot I've seen somewhere else on TV. Now what was his name again? Used to bend stuff all the time... Anyway, name escapes me but it will come back to me.

Flash image shows up the "rust" effect paint on the miniature

So this is one of the new player characters for our next genera of role playing adventures. The character is based on that famous robot from that future thingy show and has a profile similar to the Basic Roleplaying Game's utility robot. Right now he is missing his tommygun. But that will be ordered shortly.

This image gives a hint as to where the roleplaying game is set.

Like the alien in the previous post, I still haven't settled on how I plan to flock the base of these miniatures. A few more of the player characters are nearing completion as well as some of their adversaries. So more on this to follow!

The graffiti in white paint on his back also has a story to tell.