Monday, 25 May 2020

Skeletal Rat Swarm

Been another busy month despite the forced locked down :( Despite being kept indoors, I haven't had much time to paint. Most of my spare time has been spent on working on the D&Dlite (D20) roleplaying system our gaming group is using. All inspired by Professor Dungeon Master.

On that note. For an upcoming role playing adventure, there is a combat event where the player characters get swamped by skeletal rats. So I looked around the interwebs to see who made this kind of miniature in 28-32mm scale. And there's nothing!

Reaper Miniatures however do make a very cheap rat swarm in their Bones line. So putting my thinking cap on I got to wondering, "What would happen if I painted the rat swarm in black and then painted the skeleton over the top of each rat model?"

Well, it works pretty good. It won't be gracing the pages of any biological text book (and I'm a Biologist!). But its good enough to do the job on the tabletop. And they are cheap too. So you can create a whole swarm of them. Something I will be working on. Cheap AND nasty. Sweet!