Tuesday 9 June 2020

Scibor 28mm Dwarf Lord


Meet Rorg, Dwarven barbarian and the latest painted edition to the player characters for our role playing group.

A little too much tanning mix there buddy!

Stuffed if I can remember who the manufacturer is of this excellent dude, but I'm pretty certain that it was Scibor miniatures. Yeap, he is! Found him here.

I left him standing on a stone block as an in-joke among the group. Everyone else is either human or elf, so shorty here feels a little inadequate. As such, I joke that he carries around a lump of stone or a box to stand on so that he doesn't feel so small. This has translated to the miniature the player uses in game.

It gets cold in them there mountains

This is a damn fine piece of work. Scibor do make some nice miniatures and this dude does come with his own rock to stand on. And yes, that is a bear skin (or is it a lion?) that he has made into a rug. PETA be damned! Dwarves don't care. If it comes a knocking looking for a dwarf for lunch, well it should expect that it will wind up being a shoulder rug in the not too distant future.

On to the next miniature!