Sunday 17 January 2021

The first of the Vivimancer's experiments is now loosed upon the world!


Back in September last year I began experimenting around with some Vivimancy. That is, I started playing around with some of Mantic's Kings of War Zombies, some green stuff, and a glue gun. My dastardly plan was to make some horrid experiments for a Vivimancer boss protagonist for an upcoming D&D adventure.

You can see the original unpainted versions here. But until late I wasn't sure what paint scheme I wanted for them.

This one is the prototype paint scheme for the rest of the minions when I finish them.

I like to make my own monsters, and the stats for them, as it throws the players off balance. When they see a goblin, for example, I just describe the creature and don't give it a name. They can make a name up for themselves. But in this way the players are never sure as to what it is they are facing.

By keeping them guessing in this way, it keeps the game fresh and mysterious. They just can't be certain that the creature may not have some unusual ability. And usually in my games, they go!

For a Vivimancer minion it makes sense that he would be experimenting on the recently deceased, twisting and warping their bodies through chemicals, weird stone and forbidden magic. So the minions should look warped and recently departed.

So now to find some time to finish the others off. Keep and eye out for a post or two about that.