Tuesday 15 June 2021

Zombicide Eridian Mutant Bosses


In the previous post I showed off the Eridian mutants that I will use in a Traveller RPG scenario. These two bad guys will be the two bosses for that group of mutants.

The first is the thin one on the left. He is a prison guard who has been mutated. His special gift will be that he is able to eject eridian spikes from his body. So basically this will be the ranged baddie for the group of mutants. If he is killed off too quickly by the PC's, then another one can appear to keep pouring ranged attacks onto the PC's with explosive, grenade like effect.

The big bruiser is the final boss for this extended combat. He is the Prospector. Basically, it was he who found the eridian in the first place and approached one of the Corporations (Hyperion) on Pandora with his find. The scenario takes place well before the events in the first Borderlands game. Hyperion agrees to help explore the find further and so arranges for one of the prison work details on the planet to assist the Prospector. About two weeks into the excavation, the mine site goes silent...

So it should be a fun dustup!