Sunday 27 June 2021

Elder Scrolls Kharjo from Modiphius

This lad is Kharjo, the Khajiit caravan guard from the Elder Scrolls, Skyrim. This miniature is part of a Adventurer Allies set from Modiphius Entertainment.

He was the miniature for one of the players in my other D&D game. Sadly he was killed by a taxidermied Owl Bear. It was this player's first adventure playing D&D and so he learnt the hard way that Owl Bears are not to be trifled with, even when they are stuffed!

I had just finished painting the miniature too the day before. So it was a little vexing.

I don't set out to regularly kill PC's but if there are no consequences for doing silly things (like facing an Owl Bear on your own) then the game becomes boring quickly as there are not stakes. Anyway, he was up a running tacking over an NPC in no time at all. So he was back in the game and loving it.

But I do have to say that this miniature is really, really, really nice. The sculpt on the metal is amazing and captures the Skyrim vibe brilliantly. Can't wait to paint the rest of the group.