Sunday 5 September 2021

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Power Armour


I've finally gotten around to painting up the Power Armour suit from the Fallout Wasteland Warfare miniatures game by Modiphius.

Paintjob was fairly simple. For the armour I just:

* Base coat in Chaos Black spray

*Wet brushed in Dark Brown (adds a kind of rust look to the deep recesses)

*Heavy dry brush the armour and gun in Boltgun Metal

*Washed in Brown Wash

*Highlighted in a dry brush again of Boltgun Metal

*Painted the eyes in a Sky Blue, the head lamp White, the cylinders on the back were painted Terracotta and the gun was highlighted in Khaki and Terracotta.

*The power core was painted in a bright red (Evil Sunz Scarlet, I think)

Job done! Other than the base. That was a little more work. But its good enough for the table now.