Tuesday 1 March 2022

Full Thrust SSD for the original series BSG Cylon Basestar


Following on from yesterday's post, I have completed my take on a Full Thrust SSD for the Cylon Basestar from the original series of Battlestar Galactica.

The design features I have incorporated include that it seemed, from the original series, that the Basestars primary offensive weapons were Beam weapons. This incorporated anti-ship beam weapons when fighting the Pegasus. So I have stayed with Beam 3 heavy weapons and Beam 1 for close in support and anti-fighter operations. The main offensive / defensive capability of the Basestar appears to have been its Cylon Raider fighters, which I would posit are Attack fighters rather than Interceptor fighters, which the Colonial Viper appears to be more akin too.

In addition, as there wasn't seen any FTL (faster than light) visual effects, I've opted to not have an FTL in the SSD. I included heavy missiles primarily as its wasn't clear if it really had them or not. The ship is bigger (in the sense that it has more mass) than the Colonial Battlestar and so has more hull and a higher mass. But there also, from online information, doesn't really appear to be significant armour on it. So I have left that off as well.