Monday 28 February 2022

Full Thrust SSD for the original series Battlestar Galactica


I've been playing around in the Mechworld's excellent SSD designer for Full Thrust (see link here) recently and this is what I have come up with for the original Battlestar Galactica version of the Colonial Battlestars.

My take on it is that the ship didn't have an FTL (Faster Than Light) drive but instead just lumbered through space chased by Cylons, so I've reflected that here. The viper complement came from an online estimate that stated that there were around 80 vipers to the ship. I've included missiles and a shield as seen when the Pegasus attacked the three Cylon Basestar's that were pursuing the fleet (I think the episode was Living Legend?). I've added the shuttles as small craft bays and included the point defence in locations often seen when activated in the show. The Type 2 beams reflect the heavier guns around the head of the ship, even though these were mostly anti-fighter guns. I just felt it needed more firepower than just the heavy missiles to take on Cylon Basestars.

Anyway, I hope to give this a run in a game sometime and see how it fares on the table. Should be interesting.