Monday 7 February 2022

Mirelurks for D&D and Fallout Wasteland Warefare


Not the best photographs I have ever taken. The ambient light isn't great today. But at least you can get the picture. These are Fallout Wasteland Warfare Mirelurks from Modiphius Entertainment. They will be showing up in the next D&D adventure I'm working on for my rpg group. So here they are ready for the table.

I wanted these guys to have a little more colour underneath in their soft parts compared to their hard shells. And so I used a selection of reds to orange dry brushing under the shell and around the claws.

The shells themselves are a mixture of dark and light browns, greens and a highlight of a light blue/grey drybrush.

The bases are decorated with coral by using broken white deer moss. I feel its light colour contrasts well to the colours of the rest of the model.

More minis to paint for the adventure. So on to the next project.