Wednesday 23 February 2022

The Second Battlestar arrives!


The second Battlestar is now complete. You can see the first one in the post here.

I've chosen to go with non traditional (i.e. red) colours on my two battlestars to differentiate them on the table. The green and purple fading will into the grey colour of the ship.

This image was a little tricky to take, so I've taken several shots so that you can see both the engines and the viper landing bays.

I've added the main light to either side of the lizard head of the both ships now, as you can see above. These ships always remind me of a blue tongue lizard that is native here. I still haven't decided on whether or not to add additional lights across the ship. Have to wait and see how it looks.

Now on to the colonial tanker, viper squadrons and frigates.