Sunday 5 February 2023

Eaglemoss Vertibird for Fallout Wasteland Warfare and RPG's

So how does the Eaglemoss Fallout 4 Vertibird stack up for use in either Fallout Wasteland Warfare or for roleplaying games? Here's a few photos from my role-playing groups most recent outing to give you some idea.

In this encounter, our intrepid heroes finally meet up at a crashed vertibird that's been lying in state since the day the bombs fell. A set of old power amour stands near the tail where it was released from the aircraft. Sadly, for our PC's they don't have a fusion core to power the armour and so can't use it.

Shortly after meeting up, the PC's were assaulted by Bloatflies and their adventure was off to a start, 10mm pistols a blazing. 

These lads are from the now defunct Icarus Miniatures

Power Armour from Fallout Wasteland Warfare

So, you can see that the vertibird is slightly on the small side for the 28 - 32mm scale. But it does make a good scene prop for roleplaying and Fallout Wasteland Warfare.

Miniatures are by (left to right) Armorcast, Princess Bride Boardgame, Icarus Miniatures

CD terrain acting as a weight for the map.