Sunday 19 February 2023

The Death of Clappy

Well, it had to happen. NPC's in the roleplaying games I run tend to have short lifespans. This is mostly because the players don't take good care of them. When it comes to OH&S on the worksite, my players have a policy of "meh, easily replaceable."

And so let us pause for a short moment to remember Clappy. He was with us just such a short time. And I only just finished the paint job the day of the game! But the players have a habit of opening doors in underground facilities without bothering to have a listed first.

And these doors opened into an underground cafeteria where two sentry guns had been placed. Reflex rolls all round saved the PC's as they all dived for the dirt. But not so for poor Clappy. Diving isn't something he can realistically achieve, and he soon became a pin cushion for 5mm bullets from both guns. A perfectly executed throw of a grenade (by rolling a Natural 20 on the die-roll!) put the offending sentry guns out of action, but sadly, not before Clappy lay silent on the floor, oil leaking from many holes across his lifeless robot body.

Oh well. Plenty more Clap-trap units where that one came from. At least the team was able to salvage some 5mm ammo from the sentry gun husks. I'll show you where they ended up next in a future post.