Sunday 7 May 2023

Gaslands scatter terrain - the Mine Field


So, what do you get when you use a couple of blank CD's, throw in some opened-up Matchbox cars, and add some 28mm miniature land mines from eBay? You get a mine field! This forms some nice scatter terrain for the table and just so happens to be close to the table exit point for the scenario. So, it's bound to get in the driver's way. Each cluster of active mines is denoted by the CD itself. If a vehicle, or its movement template, touches any part of the CD, then there is a potential detonation just like the mine dropper.

The vehicle wrecks are all of medium hardness. This will cause the odd sweaty brow or two for the drivers as they weave through the obstacles, avoiding the mines.

Should be fun to see how it turns out. More on that in a future post.