Monday 17 July 2023

Battletech Clan Mechs for Alpha Strike


The first three Clan Mechs from the Battletech Alpha Strike starter box are now done. Two of these Mechs feature in the first of the two scenarios from that starter box.

From left to right, you have the Pouncer, the Fire Moth, and the Nova. The Pouncer and Nova feature in the first scenario. But as I am painting the smallest mechs first, I also painted the Fire Moth model as well.

The Alpha Strike box has the Northwind Highlanders face off against mechs from Clan Jade Falcon. However, I wasn't too enamoured with the colour scheme for Clan Jade Falcon. So, I decided on a paint scheme I liked more. As a newb to Battletech I have absolutely no idea what clan colour scheme this may belong to, if it belongs to any at all. So, I guess I'll randomly pick a Clan and say these mechs are from that clan. Battletech purists may have mild heart failure about that, but I prefer a good paint scheme and can sandwich in the rest afterwards.

The Fire Moth

The Pouncer

The Nova. All guns and fists, baby!

Expect a battle report sometime soonish. As soon as I can get a game in between all the painting of minis for our roleplaying ground. Ah for some real spare time. :)