Sunday 7 April 2024

Junk Fences update and a Junk Tower for Fallout


So, remember those Junk Fences I posted about previously (see here). I've added some extra little features such as some Army Painter Razor Wire and some fine size gardening mesh as well as those excellent cardboard coffee cup holders from my local bakery that I get each time I buy coffee (the one that looks like corrugated iron).

I used PVA glue for the mesh and corrugated iron. I hot glued the razor wire in place sandwiching it between some match sticks that I cut in half. All in all, it does the job nicely and wasn't too expensive. The Army Painter Razor Wire being the most expensive single item in the whole build. I spray painted it in a thin coat of brown which still lets the wood grain come through.

The gates are half sized bits of cut tongue depressor sticks with fine sized gardening mesh added. I thought about adding a few more items to the gate but haven't decided on anything as yet. I may add some tires or something else. But for now, this will do.

The Junk Towner is comprised of bits of balsawood from a craft pack I got from Bunnings. That pack came with a whole assortment of shapes, sizes and thickness of balsawood. It was what I used to make the main house of the Wasteland Farm you can see here.

The height is set so that it stands at roughly three stories for 28mm scale and is open on one side. Ladders can be placed within for movement and there is a mid-story where I can place miniatures traversing the tower. The top of the tower permits a 28mm miniature to stand half exposed looking over the top of the tower.

And that's another project done!