Sunday 21 April 2024

"Little" Super Mutants for Fallout - Meet the Goblin Gang!


Meet the "Goblin Crew." These lads will be one of the gangs that my Fallout d20 roleplaying group will encounter in the future. In game, their background will be one where the FEV virus was modified to create a subservient worker class for the Enclave. A project the Enclave called the G.O.B.L.N. experiment.

The group's leader, 'Top Hat' orchestrated a daring mass escape of the G.O.B.L.N. experimental subjects. They took off through to old sewer network of pipes and escaped into the Commonwealth Wasteland, close to the Glowing Sea, and have been in hiding ever since.

Not necessarily as dangerous as their Super Mutant cousins, who would enslave them if they found them, they are naturally extremely cautious of anyone finding out that they exist and will shoot at anyone who approaches their hideout in order to scare them away.

Center in the photo above is Top Hat, their leader. To his right is Little John, the psychic and mystic of the group. What he lacks in stature, he more than makes up for with his mental abilities such as telepathy and telekinesis. To Top Hat's left is Red Eye, the groups ever vigilant scout and sniper.

Next we have on the left, Brambles with his pistol and whip made from mutated thorn vines. Uncle is in the middle. Finally, we have Droopy on the right.

Next, also from left to right, we have Wagstaff (Wagsy for short), Eeps in the middle, and Tripod whose right arm he uses more as a third leg given his malformed legs.

Finally, we have, again from left to right, Bo (and abbreviation of "Boom", a catchphrase he uses whenever he blows something to pieces), Cynders in the middle (who naturally likes to torch everything in sight), and Splats (short for Splatter) on the right. Splatter got his name from using his shotgun a little too well. He must have gained the "Bloody Mess" perk somehow during their escape from the secret Enclave lab.

And that's the team. So welcome to the Goblin Crew.