Sunday 11 August 2024

An more ways than one. Reich Busters


This mini is from the Reich Busters: Projekt Vril board game. It's a Third Reich experiment on the reanimation of dead flesh. My experiment however was to determine the colours I wanted to paint the miniature and whether or not the object source lighting would work with the light on its back.

I plan to use these as servitors for Orc Borg as well as for Reich Busters, so this is the experimental paint scheme.

I think I might have gone a little heavy on the dry brushing

Not sure I'll paint the others with the lighting source. I'll give some thought to it as it may just be that I was way too heavy with the dry brushing of the light source in the first place. Might just make it that this one is a "leader" or "controller" for the rest of the group. Now, time to finish the others.