Sunday 18 August 2024

Ancient Galley sinking markers


When it comes to what painting project, or what game for that matter, I'm working on miniatures for its probably accurate to say that I can have the attention span of a goldfish. Currently I'm working on at least three separate projects. As such, work progresses slowly on each.

But one project that has always sat on the backburner, but I'm keen to play, is Persidons Warriors by Osprey Games. I have always had a love for ancient history and in particular the wars of ancient Greece and Rome. So, as I slowly build my collection of ancient naval galleys, I lacked one important thing. Sinking galley markers. These can be expensive to buy, and I'd rather spend that money on another trireme. As such, I decided to make my own.  Here are my D.Y.I. ancient war galley sinking markers.

These are made from craft sticks, toothpicks and sand glued onto 40mm x 20mm war bases. The sand I use to represent sea water foaming over the sinking wreck and the sticks and toothpicks get broken at odd angles to represent the breaking apart of the galley.

I'll paint these up and show them off again. But I wanted to show what they are made of just in case anyone is curious.