Saturday 9 December 2023

Hotwheels Warthog for 15mm Warhammer 40K

"Are you serious?" I hear you ask. Yes, dear reader, I am serious. 

So, I wanted some fast-moving vehicles for my 15mm Imperial Guard units, and I decided to have a play around with the Hotwheels UNSC Warthog from Halo famer. Turns out that this is a pretty good match. Given that I am doing 40k in 15mm, why the hell not give the Guard some fast moving light recon vehicles. Haven't got a clue about the stat's for this thing in game as yet. But given its 15mm, the One Page Rules may come in handy for this.

In hindsight, I probably should have painted the Guard's first before affixing them to the Warthogs. But hey, what can I say, I'm stupid and will pay for it later when I try to paint them.

 So, there you go. Lots still to paint and base. But given I'm showing off what I haven't finished yet this year, here's another idea for you to play with for yourself.